武田の挨拶: 9月9日 Quantum World Congressレセプションで(於:スウェーデン大使館、ワシントンDC)




これからの2日間で、量子コンピューティングにおいてどのようなイノベーションを起こすことができるか、また、どのような協力関係を築くことができるか、真剣な議論が交わされることを確信している。このような課題に直面しているときには、時間をかけて協力することが非常に重要である。  ベンジャミン・フランクリンはかつて団結の重要性についてこう言っています。「われわれは皆で一緒にやろう。そうでなければ、一人ひとり吊るされてしまう(みんなで協力しなければ個々に失敗するという意味)」。 



 First, I would like to thank Stu-san and others for made this workshop happened, and Ambassador Ahlin for wonderful dinner tonight.

The world is in transition. Unfortunately, so far this transition has brought us more hardship than joy. Further, we all face challenges, such as climate change, the digital transformation of the global economy, and growing competition from China.

But we should reject pessimism. We must work together to innovate our CETs, critical emerging technologies. CETs have power to reveal new worlds to humanity, to expand our collective consciousness. And, of course, CETs have been the most important drivers of social and economic progress. In a single phrase, CETs teach us about the limitless power of dreams and hope.

CETs include semiconductors, AI, Artificial Intelligences, generative AI, space, biomedical advances and, of course, QIS. quantum computing, which is our concern.

I am confident that over the next two days we will have serious discussions on how we can innovate in quantum computing and explore ways to collaborate. In the face of these challenges, collaboration is critical. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “We must all hang together, or we shall surely hang separately.

AT THIS MOMENT, many countries like the United State and Japan are experiencing transition in political leadership.  I should recall that for those of us participating in this workshop, this is an extraordinary opportunity. Our ideas have the potential to shape the direction of new administrations.  So, let’s work together.